Final event

IPIN Competition 2020 - Final event
14 December 9.30 AM (Central European Time - CET)
Zoom webinar
The webinar link has been sent on the contest(at) mailing list
Look for the link in the contest list archives
or ask the track chairs
or the workshop organizers (see at bottom)
9.30 Opening Session
Francesco Potortì (ISTI-CNR) - General chair competition
Paolo Barsocchi (ISTI-CNR) - Workshop chair
9.45 Track 3 - Smartphone
- Track presentation (15 minutes):
Joaquín Torres-Sospedra (UBIK, University Jaume I), Antonio R. Jiménez Ruiz (CSIC)
⁃ winner's presentation (15 minutes)
10.15 Track 4 - Foot-mounted IMU
⁃ Track presentation (15 minutes):
Miguel Ortiz,Johan Perul (GEOLOC Team, Ifsttar)
⁃ winner's presentation (15 minutes)
Break (15 minutes)
11.00 Track 5 - xDR in manufacturing
⁃ Track presentation (15 minutes):
Ryosuke Ichikari,Ryo Shimomura (AIST and University of Tsukuba)
⁃ winner's presentation (15 minutes)
11.30 Track 6 - On-vehicle smartphone
⁃ Track presentation (15 minutes):
Dongyan Wei (Aerospace Information Research Institute, CAS), Xinchun Ji (Aerospace Information Research Institute, CAS)
⁃ winner's presentation (15 minutes)
12.00 Track 7 - Channel impulse response
⁃ Track presentation (15 minutes):
Christopher Mutschler (IIS Fraunhofer)
⁃ winner's presentation (15 minutes)
12.30 Closing Session (15 minutes)
Francesco Potortì (ISTI-CNR) - General chair competition
Some questions and answers made after the presentation.
Workshop chairs
Paolo Barsocchi, ISTI-CNR (IT)
Antonino Crivello, ISTI-CNR (IT)
Filippo Palumbo, ISTI-CNR (IT)