Smart Condo

Smart Condo

Name of the competing system:   Smart Condo™

Name and email of the responsible person:  Julia Vlasenko vlasenko(at)

Date and place: June 24, 2012, Edmonton, AB, Canada


Motion detection (passive infrared type)

Description of the information measured

ON/OFF depending on the presence of motion; based on the amount of change in infrared rays that occurs when a person (object), whose temperature is different from the surroundings, moves within the sensor coverage.



Example values

1; 0

Frequency of generated data in operation

Data is generated when the transition of the sensor state occurs (interrupt-driven), once the sensor is triggered it can change states as frequently as every 10ms


Magnetic reed switches

Description of the information measured

ON/OFF depending on the proximity of a magnet attached to an adjacent movable surface (doors, cabinets, cupboards, etc.)



Example values

1; 0

Frequency of generated data in operation

Data is generated when the transition of the sensor state occurs (interrupt-driven)


After, for instance, 30 minutes operation you generate the following data sets (this is the information you will finally provide to evAAL together with this questionnaire in a format that must be agreed before the competition). Please provide information about the files with data (examples are, text file, or video) and format (.csv, .txt, .xls…).

All intermediate data is stored in a database table with the following fields:
id – primary key
nodeID – unique node identifier
event_type – status of the sensor (1/0)
sensor_name – type of the sensor (Motion/Switch)
db_ts – human-readable timestamp
ts_ms – timestamp as epoch time with milliseconds


The table with the intermediate data is exported in csv format (sample file is attached).


Device name


Position in LLab (x,y,z) in meters



Communication means to your system

Motion sensor #1


(0.5, 0.7, 2.56)

Person moves nearby

0 - no motion

1 - motion

RF channel at 916.5 MHz + serial interface

Switch sensor #1

Reed switch

(13, 9, 2.56)

Door opened/closed

0 – open

1 - closed

RF channel at 916.5 MHz + serial interface

Download datasets